Eyelid Surgery in Buffalo, NY

Eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty, is a corrective procedure that can remove excess skin from the upper and lower eyelids, reduce dark circles or “bags” under the eyes, remove excess fat pockets and wrinkles, providing a more youthful appearance to the eyes.

Eyelid Surgery in Buffalo, NYOne of the first things noticed about a person is their eyes. During the aging process, wrinkles, lines, and puffiness contribute to a tired or aged appearance. The blepharoplasty surgery is often performed in conjunction with other facial procedures such as a face lift or rhinoplasty (nose surgery).

Festoons or Malar Mounds are is a condition related to lymphatic swelling in the upper cheeks near the eyelids. Very often, festoons can be misdiagnosed as lower eyelid fat pads.

There are several components to Festoons and correction will depend on the exact cause. If there is redundant skin and lower eyelid muscle, this can be improved with a technique which redrapes the skin over a tightened muscle.

Very often however, Festoons or Malar Pads can be treated with a non-surgical laser resurfacing. Using aggressive CO2 laser resurfacing, the collagen and skin can tighten, and after healing, will result in a smoother, less puffy appearance.

Dr. Shatkin sometimes uses a combination of surgical and non-surgical treatment to obtain optimal result. Treatment decisions will depend on the condition and is best determined at the time of the consultation.

The typical recovery for deep laser treatments of Festoons is 10-14 days. Redness and puffiness may persist several weeks, however, women can usually apply cover up makeup after 7-10 days to hide redness.

Eyelift Treatment

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. It gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert. Blepharoplasty includes repairing droopy eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle and fat.

As you age, your eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. As a result, excess fat may gather above and below your eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows, drooping upper lids and bags under your eyes. Besides making you look older, severely sagging skin around your eyes can impair your peripheral or side vision. Blepharoplasty can reduce or eliminate such impaired vision.

To help decide if blepharoplasty is right for you, find out what results you can realistically expect and take time to explore the benefits and risks of the procedure.

“This is one of my favorite procedures to perform. It is a short operation, can be done under local anesthesia, and the sutures are removed in just a few days allowing the patient to return to normal, light activity and work quickly!” – Dr. Samuel Shatkin Jr.

What You Should Know About Eyelift Blepharoplasty







Meet Dr. Samuel Shatkin Jr. MD, FACS

Samuel Shatkin Jr., MD is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and performs all aspects of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He specializes in creating a customized approach to looking your best, which may include using multiple modalities which Dr. Shatkin refers to as ‘Combination Rejuvenation’. He has been in private practice in this field since completing his Plastic Surgery Training in 1989.

His major concentration is in the areas of Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery including Eyelift and Facelift, Facial Rejuvenation, Nasal Surgery, Body contouring and Mommy Makeover tummy and Cosmetic Breast Surgery, Laser Skin Resurfacing and Injectables.

He is the only Plastic Surgeon in the world to have received the coveted 5-Star Diamond Award from the American Association of Hospitality Sciences and to date, the only Medical Doctor to have received the coveted Buffalo-Niagara Business Ethics Award which he and his team received in 2017.

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