IV Nutrition in Buffalo, NY

Dr. Shatkin and his team of health professionals have added the unique services of IV nutrition therapy to their practice.

IV Nutrition in Buffalo, NYIV infusions get nutrients directly into the blood stream to boost vitality, support immune system, help with aging and inflammation and replenish vitamins when needed.

About IV Nutrition Therapy

IV Nutrition in Buffalo at the Aesthetic Associates Centre can help you recover from anything from dehydration to immune challenges, supports athletic recovery and chronic health challenges like fatigue, weight gain, and inflammation.

IV nutrition therapy is a safe and effective way to achieve optimal health and prevent disease.


Get the best results with this combination therapy! Keep your body clean.

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The Liquilift IV drip empowers your liver to detoxify chemicals, metabolize prescription medicine, and repair damaged blood cells.

Get all the nutrients you need

Take your diet to a whole new level with this complete combination of vital micronutrients that improve your overall health immediately.

Refuel your brain and muscles

Enjoy a sense of clarity and extra focus thanks to a higher dose of vitamin B12 to boost brain functions.

Immediate Benefits

  • Obtain maximum results by receiving all of the vitamins and minerals included in other Liquivida IV drips.
  • Get a higher dose of B12 vitamins to give your brain clarity.
  • Get the right amount of micronutrients to reactivate cells that produce healthy looking hair and skin.
  • Empower your liver to detoxify chemicals, metabolize prescription medicine, and break down damaged blood cells.

Obtain healthier skin & nails

Replenish your body with nutrients that improve your skin’s overall appearance, while growing stronger, beautiful nails.

Detox and let your skin speak for itself

Eliminate toxins from your system, so you can reduce the dramatic effects aging can have on your appearance, with glutathione.

Improve your mood and feel younger

Reduce stress levels by hydrating body completely, with vitamin B-complex.

How you treat yourself in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond determines how you’ll look and feel in the next decades of your life.

But statistics show most people don’t nourish their bodies correctly, impacting their outward appearance greatly.

Manage how you age with this vitamin infusion.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 43% of American adults don’t drink enough water a day. 36% of them only drink 1 to 3 cups, while 7% don’t drink any at all.

In another report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 2/3 of American adults eat fruit less than 2 times a day, way lower than needed, while only 3/4 eat vegetables less than 3 times a day.

Malnutrition and dehydration affect how your skin looks tremendously. The fountain of youth nutrient IV drip helps compensate for that.

Fountain of Youth

Look younger and healthier

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Immediate Benefits:

  • Avoid getting sick by fueling your immune system with high-impact nutrients to keep you resilient.
  • Obtain powerful antioxidants to fight against airborne illnesses floating around work or home.
  • Maintain a healthy nervous system and improve the cardiovascular function of the body.
  • Improve your body’s ability to withstand stress, intense levels of work or travel.
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Natural Defense

Fight the flu and beat the common cold

Strengthen your immune system

If you’re feeling under the weather or are already sick with the common cold or flu, consider taking this high dose of vitamin C and other nutrients.

Fight airborne illnesses

Maintain a healthy nervous system and improve the cardiovascular function of your body.

Keep energy high

Feel energized and in control by giving your immune system high-impact nutrients that keep you resilient.

This vitamin infusion boosts the immune system big time.

Natural Defense drips help you avoid getting sick, while motivating you to travel more, participate in sports, or even pick up a new hobby like yoga or Zumba.

Most people don’t realize the impact excellent nutrition can have on our overall mood and productivity. That’s partly because many people don’t eat enough fruits and veggies or drink the recommended amount of water in the first place.

In a world where eating out, drinking multiple cups of coffee, and relying on prescription medicine is the norm, no wonder it’s hard to find energy to do something fulfilling.

Need to bounce back quickly?

Obtain the energy you need to bounce back, be productive and get things done. Avoid feeling ‘down’ or depressed

Stop feeling groggy and unmotivated by empowering your cells with powerful electrolytes. Avoid headaches

Hydrate your brain and other organs, so you can function completely without putting more strain on your body.

The Rise and Shine drip helps you recharge your body after staying out way too late under the stars. Not only does it keep your body hydrated, it also amps up your energy levels so the immune system can continue fighting against germs or viruses that can cause you harm.

This IV drip pairs powerful nutrients such as Vitamin B6 and B12 with Magnesium Chloride to detoxify your cells, while giving you the willpower to get back up and running as normal.

Immediate Benefits:

  • Avoid headaches, dizziness after a long night with little to no sleep.
  • Obtain the energy to bounce back, be productive and get things done.
  • Empower your immune system to protect you, so you don’t get sick.
  • Hydrate your brain and other organs, so you can function completely without putting more strain on your body.
  • Be alert and ready to take on your day.

Rise and Shine

Cure A HANGOVER in no time

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Meet Dr. Samuel Shatkin Jr. MD, FACS

Samuel Shatkin Jr., MD is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and performs all aspects of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He specializes in creating a customized approach to looking your best, which may include using multiple modalities which Dr. Shatkin refers to as ‘Combination Rejuvenation’. He has been in private practice in this field since completing his Plastic Surgery Training in 1989.

His major concentration is in the areas of Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery including Eyelift and Facelift, Facial Rejuvenation, Nasal Surgery, Body contouring and Mommy Makeover tummy and Cosmetic Breast Surgery, Laser Skin Resurfacing and Injectables.

He is the only Plastic Surgeon in the world to have received the coveted 5-Star Diamond Award from the American Association of Hospitality Sciences and to date, the only Medical Doctor to have received the coveted Buffalo-Niagara Business Ethics Award which he and his team received in 2017.

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